Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Voo meets another cat while on a walk
Ok, I got the posts a lil mixed up. Here are the pics of Voo's 1st meeting with another cat while on a walk. I am VERY proud to say that he didn't turn tail and run away. All the practicing he did in front of the mirror seems to have paid off.
I apologize for the low-quality pics, but I had to take them with my camera phone.

It's hard to tell, but this cat is at least twice the size of Voo

Voo sees the other cat for the first time. Check out the beginnings of a poofy tail!

He REALLY sees the cat now, his tail is getting super poofy.

This is the final stage. He's in full-blown "I R gonna pwnt j00!!!" mode. At this point, I am standing WAY back from him and have been reduced to just tugging on the leash, being sure to keep all my appendages away from him.
There was no fight, I made sure that they were far away from each other and no one was hurt.
I apologize for the low-quality pics, but I had to take them with my camera phone.

It's hard to tell, but this cat is at least twice the size of Voo

Voo sees the other cat for the first time. Check out the beginnings of a poofy tail!

He REALLY sees the cat now, his tail is getting super poofy.

This is the final stage. He's in full-blown "I R gonna pwnt j00!!!" mode. At this point, I am standing WAY back from him and have been reduced to just tugging on the leash, being sure to keep all my appendages away from him.
There was no fight, I made sure that they were far away from each other and no one was hurt.