Saturday, December 22, 2007


Post-Finals Period/Voo's Christmas

Finals are over and OMG am I glad that my first semester is done. I don't think I've ever been this stressed about school, ever! But it went relatively well, even though I didn't do nearly as well as I hoped.

I decided to get Voo a cat tree for Christmas.

It arrived a few days ago, and naturally, Voo wanted "help out" with the assembly. Here are some pics of how it went.

He REALLY loves the cat tree (so I won't need to duct tape him to it), especially the lil fuzzy ball hanging outside the house structure.

Here's Voo performing a Quality Assurance check on the rope thingie.

As expected, he just couldn't wait for me to finish the assembly and had to jump and run everywhere.

The fuzzy ball thingie that he loves so much. The tree comes with 3 balls, 2 primary ones, and 1 spare. But, knowing Voo will just tear them all up, I have 1 up, and 2 spares :P

NOT one of his more flattering shots

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