Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Voo playing "Fetch"
During a busy day studying, Voo decided to take his paper ball, drop it at my feet and meow away. It took 2 throws of the paper ball before I realized that he was bringing the ball back to me so he could play fetch. ^.^
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Calling all cat owners!
I would like you cats owners to perform an experiment on your cat, and post the results in the comments. Thanks!
When your cat is looking into your eyes, sit very still and stare directly back into his/her eyes until they react. It shouldn't take more than 10 seconds. What happens?
(My friend) Linda tells me her cats go all submissive and weird.
I've done this a bunch of times and Voo's response is ALWAYS to get all poofy and charge me/my face. It's kinda like a game of Chicken, but I always end up flinching.
Naturally you should take care to NOT get scratched when attempting this, but I really don't know what the "normal" reaction is. So don't blame me if you get attacked, just make sure to be careful :P
When your cat is looking into your eyes, sit very still and stare directly back into his/her eyes until they react. It shouldn't take more than 10 seconds. What happens?
(My friend) Linda tells me her cats go all submissive and weird.
I've done this a bunch of times and Voo's response is ALWAYS to get all poofy and charge me/my face. It's kinda like a game of Chicken, but I always end up flinching.
Naturally you should take care to NOT get scratched when attempting this, but I really don't know what the "normal" reaction is. So don't blame me if you get attacked, just make sure to be careful :P
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Voo meets another cat while on a walk
Ok, I got the posts a lil mixed up. Here are the pics of Voo's 1st meeting with another cat while on a walk. I am VERY proud to say that he didn't turn tail and run away. All the practicing he did in front of the mirror seems to have paid off.
I apologize for the low-quality pics, but I had to take them with my camera phone.

It's hard to tell, but this cat is at least twice the size of Voo

Voo sees the other cat for the first time. Check out the beginnings of a poofy tail!

He REALLY sees the cat now, his tail is getting super poofy.

This is the final stage. He's in full-blown "I R gonna pwnt j00!!!" mode. At this point, I am standing WAY back from him and have been reduced to just tugging on the leash, being sure to keep all my appendages away from him.
There was no fight, I made sure that they were far away from each other and no one was hurt.
I apologize for the low-quality pics, but I had to take them with my camera phone.

It's hard to tell, but this cat is at least twice the size of Voo

Voo sees the other cat for the first time. Check out the beginnings of a poofy tail!

He REALLY sees the cat now, his tail is getting super poofy.

This is the final stage. He's in full-blown "I R gonna pwnt j00!!!" mode. At this point, I am standing WAY back from him and have been reduced to just tugging on the leash, being sure to keep all my appendages away from him.
There was no fight, I made sure that they were far away from each other and no one was hurt.
Voo Vs. Mirror
I managed to grab my camera and shot some vids of Voo practicing his aggressive stance in front of the mirror.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Updates soon(ish)!
I apologize for the lack of recent updates. Yes, I have actually been receiving complaints that there has been a lack of pics/vids.
Just so you know I'm in college too, and for the moment, my exams are running (and ruining) my life. No, I have not turned him into a rug (or mittens for that matter).
Voo's getting bigger with each passing day, and he's definitely getting the better of me. He's figured out how to slip out of his harness, how to open cupboard doors, and he's met his first stray cat while on a walk.
I am VERY proud to say that Voo exhibits a good deal of aggressive behavior when dealing with other cats. I am SO pleased he's got some spunk to him.
He's about the stage where he's entering his 2nd "Ugly Fuzzies" stage, whereby his darker fur outgrows his lighter fur and he has that, fuzzy kitten look, only he's big.
I am considering getting another kitten, probably with the same pattern as Voo, but with brown markings, instead of silver. I am hoping the other (female) kitten keeps Voo occupied by running him around when I am in class. I most certainly hope I don't get 2 cats that actively plot against me while I am at classes. Now wouldn't that be a sight. I get home only to get mobbed by two cats, when the plan was to have them keep each other company. :-\
Anyway, that's the short update for now, Econs and Stats is calling out to me... joy!
Just so you know I'm in college too, and for the moment, my exams are running (and ruining) my life. No, I have not turned him into a rug (or mittens for that matter).
Voo's getting bigger with each passing day, and he's definitely getting the better of me. He's figured out how to slip out of his harness, how to open cupboard doors, and he's met his first stray cat while on a walk.
I am VERY proud to say that Voo exhibits a good deal of aggressive behavior when dealing with other cats. I am SO pleased he's got some spunk to him.
He's about the stage where he's entering his 2nd "Ugly Fuzzies" stage, whereby his darker fur outgrows his lighter fur and he has that, fuzzy kitten look, only he's big.
I am considering getting another kitten, probably with the same pattern as Voo, but with brown markings, instead of silver. I am hoping the other (female) kitten keeps Voo occupied by running him around when I am in class. I most certainly hope I don't get 2 cats that actively plot against me while I am at classes. Now wouldn't that be a sight. I get home only to get mobbed by two cats, when the plan was to have them keep each other company. :-\
Anyway, that's the short update for now, Econs and Stats is calling out to me... joy!
Labels: bengal, Bengal cat, kitten, Voo